Success Stories
SYM-LAB Success Story: Incubation of an Innovative Product – Disposable Balloon Catheter Set for Cerebral Surgery
In resection of various cerebral space-occupying lesion such as hypertensive intracranial haemorrhage and intracranial hematoma, the delicate location of lesion usually causes great difficulties and surgical risk. One of the challenges in these operations is achieving effective exposure with minimal injury to protect vital organ and structures. Disposable Balloon Catheter Set for Cerebral Surgery, or Cerebral Corridor Creator Set (CCC), an innovative product developed and registered by SYM-LAB offers a new solution to this challenge.
The idea was proposed by Dr. Wang, a neurosurgeon with 20-year experience in latex balloon research. Inspired by a cardiac intervention product of SYM, Dr. Wang proposed a new idea to create corridor in cerebral surgery. Later, he decided to team up with SYM-LAB for joint R&D and commercialization, during which the incubator provided technical, financial, regulatory, compliance and clinical support.
Two months after the partnership was formed, SYM-LAB produced the prototype and continued to improve it with constant tests and trials. The product design was finalized in less than six months and eight bases for clinical cooperation were established. Meanwhile, working with the top data experts in the country, SYM-LAB worked out the optimal clinical protocols for the product. In addition, to ensure smooth registration and quick approval for the product, SYM-LAB requested for fast-track procedure specialized for innovative products, making the product the first in Guangdong Province to enjoy the preferential procedure. Finally, registration certificate for the product was issued in March, 2017, merely 18 months from the start of this efficient incubation project.